
  • 网络heavy metal pollution; Heavy metals; heavy metal contamination



heavy metal pollution

英语中文和翻译_百度知道 ... 放射性污染 Radioactive Pollution 重金属污染 Heavy Metal Pollution 排气污染 Exhaust Pollution ...

Heavy metals

重金属污染Heavy metals) Pt 126 9.87 62.9

heavy metal contamination

PCB英汉词典 / H - PCB资源网 ... heel / 接合倾斜 heavy metal contamination / 重金属污染 heavy mark / 厚纹路 ...

heavy metals pollution

地理专业词汇英语翻译(H) ... heavy layer 厚层 heavy metals pollution 重金属污染 heavy mineral analysis 重矿物分析 ...

The Heavy metal Contamination Model

(3).重金属污染 (The Heavy metal Contamination Model)这是近年最震惊的发现, 许多婴孩免疫系统的基因被重金属破坏, 尤 …

pollution of heavy metals

地理专业... ... pollution of atmosphere 大气污染 pollution of heavy metals 重金属污染 pollution of paddy soils 水稻土污染 ...

Contamination Caused by Heavy Metal

药物污染... ... Drug Addiction 药物成瘾性 Contamination Caused by Heavy Metal 重金属污染 Drug Patches 药物贴片 ...
