
  • 网络replacement cost approach; replacement cost method; Replacement Cost



replacement cost approach

会计词汇D ... replacement assets 重置资产 replacement cost approach 重置成本法 replacement current cost 重置现行成本 ...

replacement cost method

请问两小词 ... 在建工程的标准译法为" construction in progress" 重置成本法replacement cost method\approach ...

Replacement Cost

重置成本法Replacement Cost) 重置成本法是一种基于资产的估值方法,它用待评估资产的重置全价减去其各种贬值后的差 …

replacement costing

会计术语英汉对照表 - MBA智库百科 ... 住房基金 housing fund 重置成本法 replacement costing 专有技术 know-how ...

cost of replacement

会计词汇D ... cost of marketing 营销成本 cost of replacement 重置成本法 cost of sales 销售成本 ...

replacement cost principle

会计术语中英文对照 ... 重置成本: replacement cost 重置成本法replacement cost principle 商誉: good-will ...

repeoduction-cost approach

... regressive tax 累退税 255 repeoduction-cost approach 重置成本法 416 Retirement Effect 退休效果 245 ...

replacement cost analysis

...set value of reserves)、还有重置成本法(replacement cost analysis),虽然运用都不及前两种方法广泛,但是针对不同的产业…
