
  • 网络alcohol cotton ball; absorbent conton ball; alcohol sponge



alcohol cotton ball

急救箱、急救包... ... 酒精棉片 Alcohol pad 酒精棉球 Alcohol cotton ball 创口贴 Adhesive bandage ...

absorbent conton ball

药店常用英语 ... blood pressure meter 血压计 absorbent conton ball 酒精棉球 ...

alcohol sponge

医疗用语 @ Davy's Blog :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: ... 41. cotton wool 棉球 42. alcohol sponge 酒精棉球 43. scales 体重器 ...

cotton ball soaked in alcohol

alcohol... ... coniferyl alcohol [化]松柏醇 cotton ball soaked in alcohol {n.}酒精棉球 coumaric alcohol [医]香豆醇 ...

alcohol wipes

什么意思_英语wipes在线翻译... ... Wet Wipes 湿纸巾 ; 手口专用柔湿巾 alcohol wipes 酒精棉球 to wipe the dishes 擦碟子 ...

alcohol swab

孕产期需要用到的英文中文对照,... ... erythromycin cream: 红霉素软膏 alcohol swab: 酒精棉球 fetal heart monitor: 胎心监护 ...

alchohol wraps

工具包的带子上绑着胶布,外加袋子里面还有交班名单(handover sheet)和酒精棉球(alchohol wraps)。工具包上还别着医用挂表 …
