
  • n.cream of tartar
  • 网络Potassium hydrogen tartrate; potassium bitartrate; Potassium Acid Tartrate



Potassium hydrogen tartrate

葡萄酒基础知识大全 ... Buffer Solution: 缓冲液 Potassium Hydrogen Tartrate酒石酸氢钾 Calibrate: 校准 ...

potassium bitartrate

化学试剂红外光谱集 ... 丙二酸二甲酯 Dimethyl malonate 酒石酸氢钾 Potassium bitartrate 三正丁胺 Tri-n-butylamine ...

cream of tartar

化学专业词汇_汉英_ ... cotton effect 科顿效应 cream of tartar 酒石酸氢钾 cotton fiber 棉纤维 ...

Potassium Acid Tartrate

有机金属化合物名... ... 酸式碘酸钾;碘酸氢钾 potassium acid iodate 酒石酸氢钾 potassium acid tartrate 钾矾 potassium alum ...

potassium bitartarate

GB2760-2011与GB2760... ... 蜂蜡 beeswax 酒石酸氢钾 potassium bitartarate 聚苯乙烯 polytyrene ...

cream of tartar potassium acid tartrate

进出口专业英语... ... cream mint sweet 奶油薄荷糖 cream of tartar potassium acid tartrate 酒石酸氢钾 cream pack 膏状面膜 ...


酒石酸氢钾(KHT)是影响葡萄酒稳定性的重要因素,其溶解度决定于温度、酒度、pH值。1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Determination of t…
