
  • na.tax avoidance; tax evasion
  • 网络evade tax; avoidance of tax; Tax shelter



tax avoidance

BEC中级、高级考试词汇超值下载篇-BEC商务英语 ... tax allowance 免减税 tax avoidance 避税 taxable 可征税的 ...

evade tax

口译词汇大全 - 英语专业 考研论坛 ... 冰雕 ice sculpture 避税 evade tax 逼上梁山 be driven to drastic alternatives ...

tax evasion

石油英语词汇(T1)--石油百科 ... tax bracket 税级 tax evasion 避税 tax evation 逃税 ...

avoidance of tax

译网情深 - 打印文章 - ... avoidance of conflict of interests 避免利益冲突 avoidance of tax 避税 baby bond 小额债券 ...

Tax shelter

如何答谢祝贺信_商务英语_卡卡英语学习网 ... 双重标准 double standard 避税 tax shelter 鸵鸟政策 head in the sand approach ...

tax shield

具有避税(tax shield)效应的作用。 3.资本结构权衡理论(Balance or Trade-off Theory) 为建立能够合理地说明现实中企业融资 …


...itas jacens),并且,也可归于某一个人的避税(tax-dodging)公司。

tax shields

会计&财务术语的中英对照_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... tax saving 节税 tax shields 避税 tax status 税务法规 ...
