
  • 网络dredge the water passages; clearing and regulating water passage; dredging and regulating water passage



dredge the water passages

专业词汇在线翻译、... ... 通经活络 dredge the meridian passage 通调水道 dredge the water passages 注下 drenching diarrhea ...

clearing and regulating water passage

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双... ... 通调水道 clearing and regulating water passage 清湿热 clearing away damp-h…

dredging and regulating water passage

中医英语词汇... ... 药物用量 dosage 通调水道 dredging and regulating water passage 宣通水道 dredging water passage ...

regulate the waterways

WHO中医名词术语国际标准化研究 -... ... 水道 waterways 通调水道 regulate the waterways 天癸 heavenly tenth ...

regulates the waterways

中医英文网络词汇 - baozuxiao的日志 - 网易博客 ... 通调水道 regulates the waterways 脾统血。 The spleen manages the blood…

Regulation of water metabolism

中医脏腑学说-脏_文档下载... ... 4通调水道 Regulation of water metabolism 5外合皮毛 Correlating with the skin and hair ...

Smoothing Water Passages

...内的异物 病理:呼吸不利,胸闷、咳嗽、气喘等 3)通调水道Smoothing Water Passages) 通过宣发作用,排出汗液; …
