
  • n.carriage contract
  • 网络contract of carriage; transport contract; COA



contract of carriage

航运专业英语 词汇_百度文库 ... charterer 租船人 contract of carriage 运输合同 bill of lading 提单 ...

carriage contract

石油英语词汇(C1) ... carriage bolt 车架螺栓 carriage contract 运输合同 carriage control 托架控制 ...

transport contract

运输合同相关词汇 ... ( transshipment 转运 transport contract 运输合同 transport control center 运输调度中心 ...


签订长期运输合同COA)是一种对货方和船方都有利的方法。COA一般签订的合同期较长,船方在这段期间内解决了货源问 …

Contract of Affreightment

...(每艘载重量约76,000公吨),为拥有国内或海外运输合同Contract of Affreightment)之供货商提供煤炭运输服务。

COA Contract of affreightment

---业务交流区--... ... CO. Company 公司 COA Contract of affreightment 运输合同 COD Cash on delivery 现金交货(货到付款) ...

Carriage of Goods

Tangible Goods_翻译 ... 二手物品: second hand goods 运输合同Carriage of Goods 差异产品: Differentiated Goods ...

transportation contract

Conclusion of... ... 心理契约: mentality contract. 运输合同transportation contract 诉讼契约: Litigation contract ...
