
  • na.divert sb.'s attention
  • 网络Red Herring; divert attention; Eye contact



Red Herring

... (太12:30)几种常见的逻辑谬误:1. 转移视线Red Herring): 利用一些无关的论点企图说服人接受他的立论。

divert attention

Diana’s Anniversary... ... give readings 诵读(经)文 divert attention 转移视线 photographic exhibition 摄影展 ...

Eye contact

双语阅读:如何判断别人说谎 ... 3. Stress gestures3. 紧张时的小动作 4.Eye contact4. 转移视线 5. Eye movement5. 眼球的转 …


...论题(Missing the Point); 丙、转移视线Diversion); 丁、牵强比附(Strained Analogy); 戊、诉诸无知(Appeal to I…

to draw attention to some other matter

中国成语--绿风... ... ·反败为胜 to turn a defeat into a vitory. ·转移视线 to draw attention to some other matter. ...

divert the attention of

转移_英文_英语... ... 转移地址1. branch address divert sb.'s attention;divert the attention of ... 转移视线 ...

to divert attention

转移安置... ... 转移酶 transferases 转移视线 to change the subject;to divert attention 转移安置 to relocate;to evacuate ...

to change the subject

转移安置... ... 转移酶 transferases 转移视线 to change the subject;to divert attention 转移安置 to relocate;to evacuate ...
