
  • na.(No one) picks up lost articles on the street -- a peaceful and prosperous time.
  • 网络lX bX shG yG; No one pockets anything found on the road; a time of peace and stability



lX bX shG yG

中学成语 ... 了如指掌 liCo rV zhH zhCng 路不拾遗 lX bX shG yG 落花流水 luN huA liV shuH ...

No one pockets anything found on the road

... 2. No life has been found on the moon. 月球上没有发现生命。 3. No one pockets anything found on the road. 路不拾遗。 ...

a time of peace and stability

... 留遗 sb's legacy;to leave behind 路不拾遗 a time of peace and stability 生命的遗迹 vestige of life;trace of life ...

belongs dropped by others on the road

CCTV.com ... 直到现在还留存 Even today,the fine tradition 路不拾遗 belongs dropped by others on the road ...

High moral standard in society

以下字中文翻做英文!thanks! - Yahoo!知识+ ... 路不拾遗~ ~~~~High moral standard in society 古筝~ ~~~~~Zheng ...

yí gu

...o) 6.墨守成规(chãng chãn) 7. 路不拾遗yí guì) 8.辗转反侧(zhàn zhǎn) 9.百战不殆(dài yÿ) 二、填成语,学名言。
