
  • 网络most optimum distribution of resources; optimizing the distribution of resources; optimize resource allocation



most optimum distribution of resources

NewWords ... 自由职业者 free lance 资源优化配置 most optimum distribution of resources 自治权 right ti autonomy;autonomy ...

optimizing the distribution of resources

新词新译_holy... ... 资源配置 the distribution 资源优化配置 optimizing the distribution of resources 自治权 autonomy ...

optimize resource allocation

翻译常用词... ... 专卖店 exclusive agency;franchised store 资源优化配置 optimize resource allocation 重点项目 key project ...

optimized allocation of resources

BEC考试... ... 3. 三个最常用术语( The three most commonly used terms) b. optimized allocation of resources (资源优化配置) ...

resource optimal allocation

资源优化配置,optimal... ... ) resource optimal allocation 资源优化配置 ) optimized resource distribution 资源优化配置 ...

effective resource allocation

集团公司部... ... 9 以人文本 people-first 10 资源优化配置 effective resource allocation 11 公益事业 social responsibility ...

optimize the allocation of resources

人民币升值相关英语-彦子-搜狐博客 ... 资源优化配置optimize the allocation of resources 贸易顺差: trade suplus ...

optimize resources consumption

一个月攻克... ... 自由职业人员: free-lance professionals 资源优化配置optimize resources consumption 享乐主义: hedonis…
