
  • 网络History as a Mirror; Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government; History Retold as a Mirror for Rulers



History as a Mirror

阿丽斯的秘密书柜 中国特色英语词汇翻译 ... 自治权 autonomy 《资治通鉴History as a Mirror 自主创业 become self-employe…

Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government

  《资治通鉴》(Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government )是北宋著名史学家、政治家司马光(1019-1086)和他的助手刘攽 …

History Retold as a Mirror for Rulers

口译词汇大全 -... ... 《资治通鉴History Retold as a Mirror for Rulers 《西厢记 》 The Romance of West Chamber ...

Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government

中国文学作品译名词典... ... 【《庄子》】 Zhuang Zi;Book of Master Zhuang 【《资治通鉴》】 Comprehensive Mirror for Aid

the Comprehensive Mirror for aid in Government

古典文献学英汉词汇(九) ... the Comprehensive Mirror for aid in Government资治通鉴》 the DunHuang frescoes 敦煌壁 …

Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Government

部分中国经典著作之合称... ... 《史记》 Records of the Grand Historian 《资治通鉴Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Govern

Tzu chih t'ung chien

zz日本历史名词英汉对照表 - 饮水思源 ... tumulus 古坟 Tzu chih t'ung chien 资治通鉴 ubai 优婆夷 ...
