
  • 网络Gains from trade; The Gains from Trade; gain from trade



Gains from trade

经济与贸易学院精品课程 ... Re-export 再出口 Gains from trade 贸易利益 Dumping margin 倾销幅度 ...

The Gains from Trade

...rade ) 研究国家与国家之间为什么进行要国贸 贸易利益The Gains from Trade) 讨论自由竞争条件下贸易利益的状况 贸 …

gain from trade

gain from是什么意思_gain from的翻译_音标... ... gain from trade1. 贸易利益 gain from illness1. 因病得益 ...

trade benefit

互惠的贸易利益,reciprocal... ... ) nonreciprocal trade 非互惠贸易 ) trade benefit 贸易利益 ) Trade Interest 贸易利益 ...

Trade gains

经济学英语翻译T-7|经济学词汇英语翻译... ... 贸易流量 Trade flows 贸易利益 Trade gains 技术贸易 Trade in technology ...

trading interest

外贸综合词汇 ... trading hub 贸易枢纽 trading interest 贸易利益 trading partner 贸易伙伴 ...

International Goods Trade

国际货物买卖是什么意思... ... 1. International Goods Trade 贸易利益: 2. transnational transactions 跨国直接投资: ...

Benefits of Trade

WTO词汇B -... ... Benefit to the Recipient 给予受益人的利益 Benefits of Trade 贸易利益 Bidding Quotation 投标报价 ...
