
  • 网络Store of Value; means of hoard; means of storage



Store of Value

...流通手段(Medium of Exchange) 贮藏手段(Store of Value) 支付手段(Repayment of Debt) 世界货币(International Money) 价值 …

means of hoard

by no means的翻译中文意思... ... means of fire 射击手段 means of hoard 贮藏手段 means of illumination 照明方法; 照明设备 ...

means of storage

...用及利息 第一节 货币概述 三、货币的职能 (三)贮藏手段(means of storage) 1.贮藏手段职能指把货币作为社会财富的一般 …

means of hoarding

means是什... ... 14. Leadership means service. 领导就是服务。 15. means of hoarding 贮藏手段 16. means of labour 劳动资料 ...

means of store

5 货币 克明峻德 格物致知 贮藏手段means of store) 贮藏手段 货币的贮藏手段职能是指货币退出流通领域, 货币的贮藏手 …
