
  • n.purchasing power of money
  • 网络the purchasing power of money; Currency purchasing power; the purchin view thating power of money



the purchasing power of money

银行业务英语_百度文库 ... cash book 现金出纳帐 the purchasing power of money 货币购买力 cash account 现金帐 ...

Currency purchasing power

货币购买力(Currency purchasing power)  单位货币购买商品或换取劳务的能力。其大小决定于货币价值与商品价值的对比关系; …

the purchin view thating power of money

,indirect exchange 间接套汇... ... the purchin view thating power of money 货币购买力 money in circuline 货币通畅量 ...

Buypower of dollar

牙买加货币体系,Jamaica... ... ) monetary system 货币体系 ) Buypower of dollar 货币购买力 ) Jamaica cotton 牙买加棉 ...
