
  • na.Two negatives make a positive.
  • 网络Two negatives make an affirmative.; Two negative makes a positive; That two wrongs make a right.



Two negatives make an affirmative.

考研阅读核... ... return a negative 给与否定的回答 Two negatives make an affirmative. 负负得正。 in of proportion 合情理的 ...

Two negatives make a positive.

沪江博客 - 顷 禾 ... Two negatives make a positive. 负负得正. Experiments negatived his theory. 实验否定了他的理论. ...

Two negative makes a positive

... Negative a. 否定的;反面的,消极的;负的,阴性的 Two negative makes a positive. 负负得正. obligation n. 义务,责任 ...

That two wrongs make a right.

英文翻... ... Now I don't believe and I never did 现在我不相信了,我也从来没有做过 That two wrongs make a right. 负负得正。 ...

Two ones makes one yes

无标题文件 ... Let’s take a vote. 表决一下 Two ones makes one yes. 负负得正 It’s no picnic. = It’s not easy. 没那麽简单 ...

fufu dak jing

U Joe: June 2009 ... 另外那位唇上结冰 lingngoi nawai seunseung gitbing 负负得正 fufu dak jing 各取需要 kok cheui seuiyiu ...

trying to let two minus become one plus

...道)合约,旨在转移针对槟国际会展中心的焦点,尝试“负负得正”(trying to let two minus become one plus )。
