
  • n.jellied bean curd
  • 网络tofu curd; soft bean curd; uncongealed tofu



jellied bean curd

美食英语:中国特色传统美食的英文表达_新东方网 ... 魔芋豆腐 konjak tofu; 豆腐脑 jellied bean curd 馄饨 wonton; ...

tofu curd

美食词汇 - 英语词汇 大家论坛 ... 烤羊排: baked lamp chop 豆腐脑tofu curd 香炸奶豆腐: fried dried milk cake ...

soft bean curd

Dried beancurd | Chinese... ... 鲞 dried fish 豆腐脑 jellied tofu;soft bean curd 四季豆腐 four seasons beancurd ...

uncongealed tofu

新词热词潮词难词_dayonggege_新浪博客 ... 卤水豆腐: Marinated Tofu 豆腐脑: uncongealed tofu 拉家常: chitchat ...

Bean curd jelly

小笼包的英文是什么_百度知道 ... 蒸饺 Steamed dumplings 豆腐脑 Bean curd jelly 煎饺 Fried dumplings ...

Tofu Brains

常见中国食物英文 - Kelly的日志 - 网易博客 ... Stir-fried Cabbage 炖白菜 Tofu Brains 豆腐脑 Red bean porridge 红豆粥 ...

Bean curd jelly served with sauce

中餐菜名翻译技巧 ... 21、樟茶鸭,熏过的鸭子颜色类似樟、茶色, Smoked duck 24、豆腐脑Bean curd jelly served with sa
