- 网络Plan do check act; Think before actions; Think before you leap
Plan do check act
... 7. 不要预设立场 Check Assumptions 8. 谋定而后动 Plan do check act 9. 避免自我设限 Avoid Self-imposed Constraints ...
Think before actions
哪位仁兄帮我翻译一下_百度知道 ... 1.积极主动的面对问题 Be proactive to face problems; 2.谋定而后动 Think before actions; ...
Think before you leap
A Photo A Day 谋定而后动 Think before you leap 好酒好菜好朋友 Nice wine,nice dishes,and nice friends ...
Wait and get it right
...,必须记得Forrester呼吁的两大成功法则:「谋定而后动」(Wait and get it right)以及「掌握顾客需求」(Make usability a …
look before they leap
...职业棋士可以细算14至18手之内的所有变化,所以能谋定而后动(look before they leap);一般业余棋士多半思虑不周(jum…
look before you leap
正式进行研究之前,研究生应该事先规划研究计划,谋定而后动(look before you leap)。研究计划的功用,旨在通过充分慎 …
谋定而后动(nigeilaoziqsilo) 2010-07-12 20:30 黎晨(lcc19890211) 2010-06-23 20:34 恩,山东老乡踩你一下,嘿嘿。