
  • 网络the claims; pleadings; state claims



the claims

民事... ... (21)案由/诉由: cause of action (22)诉讼请求the claims (23)争议的事实和理由: cause or causes of the …


常用法律英语词汇 - 网上读书园地 -... ... political asylum 政治庇护 pleadings 诉讼请求 plaintiff 原告 ...

state claims

...进公共政策的例外规则,但是该案的裁决对由州法调整的诉讼请求state claims)不予适用。

a legal claim

请求的英文翻译,请求用英语怎么说 -... ... 同意我的请求 agree to my request 诉讼请求 a legal claim ...

the claim of action

法律常见术语中英文表达_石头... ... 特定履行 specific performance 诉讼请求 the claim of action 不可抗力 force majeure ...

Motions Requested

民事起诉状翻译成英语_爱词霸沙龙-英语学习... ... 民事起诉状 Civil Case Filing Statement 诉讼请求 Motions Requested: ...

Appeals before the tax courts

希腊京典华人事务... ... § Assistance in case of a court appeal; 必要时律师出庭 § Appeals before the tax courts; 诉讼请求 ...

charge particulars

英文解释_百度知道 ... 3,not available 缺席 6,charge particulars 诉讼请求 7,mortgage index 抵押(财产)清单 ...
