
  • na.beg alms
  • 网络toop to beg; beg alms from; to go begging



toop to beg

讨,讨字的解释,查字典 ... 讨平[ put down] 讨乞[ toop to beg;beg alms from] 讨俏[ beg for witty] ...

beg alms from

讨,讨字的解释,查字典 ... 讨平[ put down] 讨乞[ toop to beg;beg alms from] 讨俏[ beg for witty] ...

to go begging

讨生活 English,... ... 探讨 to investigate;to probe 讨乞 to ask for alms;to go begging 讨人嫌 unpleasant;disagreeable ...

to ask for alms

讨生活 English,... ... 探讨 to investigate;to probe 讨乞 to ask for alms;to go begging 讨人嫌 unpleasant;disagreeable ...
