
  • 网络corneal foreign body; foreign bodies of the cornea; Corneal foreign bodies



corneal foreign body

角膜异物(corneal foreign body)是指灰沫、小昆虫、金属碎块及木屑等异物意外进入眼内角膜所致的一种眼科急症。 [病因] (1) …

foreign bodies of the cornea

角膜异物foreign bodies of the cornea):细小异物碎屑停留于角膜表面或刺入角膜之中者即称角膜异物,最常见的为机床溅 …

Corneal foreign bodies

异体角膜,allogeneic... ... ) allogeneic cornea 异体角膜 ) Corneal foreign bodies 角膜异物 ) corneal foreign body 角膜异物 ...

foreign body on cornea

科技词汇... ... foreign body of paranasal sinus 鼻窦异物 foreign body on cornea 角膜异物 foreign body sensation 异物感 ...

foreign body of

眼科常用英语词汇_五官科文献/教材尽在好课件! ... conical 圆锥角膜 foreign body of 角膜异物 perforation of 角膜穿孔 ...

Foreign body in cornea

医学病... ... 结合膜囊异物 Foreign body in conjunctival sac 角膜异物 Foreign body in cornea 耳内异物 Foreign body in ear ...

forrign body on cornea

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专... ... 福莱斯特氏热 forrests fever 角膜异物 forrign body on cornea 福斯曼氏抗原 forssman antigen ...

foreign bodies on the cornea

...的角膜水肿混浊。只有待内皮修复后,水肿才可消失。 角膜异物(foreign bodies on the cornea)是指存留在角膜里的异物。凡 …
