
  • 网络economies of scale; scale merit; Economy of Scale



economies of scale

法律词汇_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... 规范行为 regularize behavior 规模效益 economies of scale 规则 rule ...

scale merit

NewWords ... 规模经济 scale economy 规模效益 scale merit 皈依三宝 become a Buddhist ...

Economy of Scale

规模效益(Economy of Scale)对保险业务有关键作用。机动车辆险主要受制于数个因素: 虽然预期未来汔车销售放缓,但除非 …

scale benefit

现代物流系统 - MBA智库百科 ... 3.节约( savings) 4.规模效益( scale benefit) 5.库存调节( stock control) ...

return to scale

  所谓“规模效益”(return to scale),是指当全部生产要素投入量按相同比例增加时,产量的增加变化情况。只有当经营规模扩 …

an economy of scale

财税融资词汇·新译通翻译公司... ... 融通资金 allocate funds 规模效益 an economy of scale 商业票据 commercial bills ...

Scale of Economy

....核心竞争力(Core Competency)b.规模效益(Scale of Economy) 仓储,运输等FedexExpressc.服务水平(Service Level)温哥 …


new view on justice and benefits_翻译 ... 经济利益: Economic benefits 规模效益scale-benefits 团体利益: Team Benefits ...
