
  • 网络Total Increasing Value of Industries over the Scale; Value-added of Industry above Designated Size; value-added of Industrial Above Designated Size



Total Increasing Value of Industries over the Scale

Value-added of Industry above Designated Size

广东统计年鉴2012 ... 第三产业 Tertiary Industry 规模以上工业增加值 Value-added of Industry above Designated Size ...

value-added of Industrial Above Designated Size

The value added by large-scale industry

商业,国家指标中英文对照表_百度知道 ... 外贸总额。 Total trade 规模以上工业增加值The value added by large-scale indu

Gross Industrial Value-added Above Designated Size

... 规模以上工业增加值 Gross Industrial Value-added Above Designated Size 轻 工 业 Light Industry ...
