
  • un.period for shipment
  • 网络date of shipment; the time of shipment; shipment date



date of shipment

date - 英汉词典 ... N.D. not dated 不记载日期 Date of shipment 装船期 pre -fixed finishing date 预定完成日 ...

the time of shipment

... unit price FOB … CIF …),装船期(the time of shipment)、付款方式(the terms of payment)等。

period for shipment

最新实用英汉国际金融词典 - MBA智库文档 ... per SDR 每个特别提款权单位 period for shipment 装船期 per share 每股 ...

shipment date

机械专业英语词汇-机械资讯-马棚网... ... shipment by railway 铁路运输 shipment date 装船期 shipment No. 装船批号 ...

Shipping date

鞋业英语 之生产 样品及确认篇... ... 港口 Sea port 装船期 Shipping date 交货期 Delivery date ...

shipping time

...是根据品质(quality),价格(price),装船期(shipping time)或交货期(time ofdelivery)三要素,来决定是否成立,其重要性可想而知.其...


有关海运运... ... - 装/卸货港( Loading & discharging ports) - 装船期( Laycan) - 装/卸货速率( Loading & discharging rates) ...
