
  • na.feign madness and act like an idiot
  • 网络play the fool; act the fool; get away by pretending ignorance



play the fool

英语小翻译 - 人人小站 ... play the field 三心二意; play the fool 装疯卖傻; play with fire 轻举妄动; ...

act the fool

fool... ... a fool's errand 无用功,徒劳无益的事 act the fool 装疯卖傻,胡闹 be a fool for one's pains 吃力不讨好,自讨苦吃 ...

feign madness and act like an idiot

act... ... 装疯卖傻(装疯卖傻) feign madness and act like an idiot 拿架子 put on airs;to act like the master of ...

get away by pretending ignorance

"来自心灵的嘲笑"英语怎么说?,... ... 装疯卖傻 get away by pretending ignorance 暧昧不清 an ambiguous attitude ...

Play dumb

地道的英语口语以及词组... ... 18.Nothing tricky( 不准耍花招) 19.Play dumb( 装疯卖傻) 20.Join the party( 同病相连) ...

Be putting on a show

找俏皮短句 -... ... 眼不见心不烦 Out of sight,out of mind. 装疯卖傻 Be putting on a show. 我支持你 I am on your side. ...
