
  • 网络blood prostration; exhaustion of the blood; blood depletion



blood prostration

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线... ... 人造血液 blood prosthesis 血脱 blood prostration 血液蛋白障碍 blood protein disorder ...

exhaustion of the blood

专业词汇在... ... 气随血脱 exhaustion of qi resulting from hemorrhea 血脱 exhaustion of the blood 脱阳 exhaustion of yang ...

blood depletion

03.中医基础理论 ... 血热 heat in blood 血脱 blood depletion 气滞血瘀 stagnation of qi and blood stasis ...

collapse due to massive hemorrhage

due-英汉词典-英中字典... ... collapse due to massive hemorrhage [医]血脱 collection of drainage dues {n.}排污费征收 ...

blood desertion

COMPLETE BANK OF TERMS USED BY N ... 血痔 blood hemorrhoid 血脱 blood desertion 血脱证 blood desertion pattern ...
