
  • 网络HARD ROADS IN SHU; Difficult Way in Shu; The Way To Shu Is Hard




... 李颀: 琴歌/ Li Qi:A LUTE SONG 李白: 蜀道难/ Li Bai:HARD ROADS IN SHU 王之涣: 登鹳雀楼/ Wang Zhihuan:AT HERON L…

Difficult Way in Shu

中国诗人介绍 ... ... 《归去来兮辞》 •《饮酒》(《 Drinking》) 《蜀道难》(《 Difficult Way in Shu》) 《将进酒》(《 Invit…

The Way To Shu Is Hard

Mountain Songs ... The Girl of Ba Speaks 巴女词 The Way To Shu Is Hard 蜀道难 Tiger Stream Bridge 虎溪桥 ...

The Steep Road of Shu

中国文化典籍英译 笔记 ... 授时历 Time-Telling Calendar 蜀道难 The Steep Road of Shu 述学 On Learning ...

Road to Shu

...什么“区域研究硕士”这种学位,有的是区域研究方面的文学硕士。实际上,他的硕士论文写的是《蜀道难》(Road to Shu)…

Sichuan Road is Hard to Climb

《蜀道难》,the Difficult... ... ) the Difficult Sichuan Road 《蜀道难》 ) Sichuan Road is Hard to Climb 蜀道难 ) shu 蜀 ...

The Road to Shu is Hard

The poem on the scroll is titled 蜀道难 ("The Road to Shu is Hard") by 李白(701-762). More fascinating calligraphy scrolls...

the Difficult Sichuan Road

《蜀道难》,the Difficult Sichuan... ... ) the Difficult Sichuan Road蜀道难》 ) Sichuan Road is Hard to Climb 蜀道难 ...
