
  • 网络bite by insects and beasts; injury inflicted by insect or animal bite; bitten by animal and insect



bite by insects and beasts

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双语... ... 犬咬伤 bite by dog 虫兽伤 bite by insects and beasts 风蜞咬伤 bite by leech ...

injury inflicted by insect or animal bite

... 活疗创伤 injury in harness 虫兽伤 injury inflicted by insect or animal bite 腹壁损伤 injury of abdominal wall ...

bitten by animal and insect

03.中医基础理论 ... 外伤 external injury 虫兽伤 bitten by animal and insect 痰饮 phlegm and fluid retention ...

injury inflicted by insect or animal btte

... 劳伤 injury caused by strain and sprain 虫兽伤 injury inflicted by insect or animal btte 伤科推拿 injury massage ...
