
  • 网络Steamed fish; Steam fish; Ikan Pepes



Steamed fish

... 姜葱龙虾 Lobster with Scallion and Ginger 蒸鱼 Steamed Fish 炒蚬 Steamed Clams ...

Steam fish

Wonderful Place -- Penang ... 菜胆清炒 Vegetable 蒸鱼 Steam Fish 金沙虾蛄 Mantis shrimp with salted egg yoke ...

Ikan Pepes

巴里岛菜单中英文对照表_巴厘岛旅游攻略 -... ... Tum Bebek 焦叶鸭 Ikan Pepes 蒸鱼 Oyster 牡蛎 ...

I Ikan Pepes

初遇南纬8度的美丽_自由行天下 ... Hor Bai Toy 裹在露兜树叶里的腌制 鸡肉 I Ikan Pepes 蒸鱼 J Jaffle 煎饼 ...

to steam fish

什么意思_英语steam在线翻译_有道词典... ... Our ship steams at 6 knots. 我们船以每小时6海里的速度行驶。 to steam fish
