
  • n.evaporation rate
  • 网络rate of evaporation; vaporator rate; ER Evaporation Rate



evaporation rate

... ... % pheromone trails 信息素 痕迹 % evaporation rate 蒸发速率 % INITIALIZATION 初始化 ...

rate of evaporation

download_20070122142942_44045 ... 净速率 rate;net 蒸发速率 rate of evaporation 报酬率 rate of return ...

vaporator rate

航海及海运专业术语V(1) ... vaporator heat 汽化热 vaporator rate 蒸发速率 vaporator 蒸发器 ...

ER Evaporation Rate

医疗器械缩略语中英对照_锐进3618医疗器械网 ... Er Erbium 铒 ER Evaporation Rate 蒸发速率 ER Evoked Response 诱发反 …

Factors affecting the rate of evaporation

5 ... (节约用水). How to conserve water? (蒸发速率), Factors affecting the rate of evaporation 1 Sedimentation( 沉积法) ...

Deposition rate

MDC... ... String % 1 Thickness 厚度 5 String KÅ 2 Deposition rate 蒸发速率 4 String Å/sec 3 Time to go 剩余时间 7 ...

through put

蒸发速率(through put)单位时间内到达分馏柱顶的液量叫蒸发速率,通常以mL/min 表 示。 ⑤ 压力降差(pressure drop)分馏 …
