
  • 网络overshadow; cast a cloud over; cast a shadow over




实用英文 - 学英文|最好的学英文网站 ... provocation 挑衅;激怒 overshadow 扫兴;蒙上阴影 black market 黑市 ...

cast a cloud over

don't quit... ... ruling it out 排出可能 cast a cloud over 投下阴影,蒙上阴影 bypass operation/ surgery 心脏搭桥 ...

cast a shadow over

2011考研英语词汇_127756_51东莞家教网 ... catch one’s breath 喘息 cast a shadow over 蒙上阴影 catch at shadows 捕风捉 …


生活美语进阶 ... Serious--- 严肃。 Overshadowed--- 蒙上阴影 Work on- 解决。 ...

to cast a shadow

翻译所使用的意象及处理... ... his life hangs on a thread 命悬一线 to cast a shadow 蒙上阴影 crocodile’s tears 鳄鱼的眼泪 ...

cast a shadow on

简单的英语... ... The grass is shadowed by trees. 草被树遮蔽 cast a shadow on 蒙上阴影(固定用法) absence 离开,缺席的意 …

be shrouded by shadows

阴影的英文翻译,阴影用英语怎么说 -... ... 阴影部分 shadow 蒙上阴影 be shrouded by shadows 阴影笼罩 be shrouded by shad…
