
  • 网络culture preservation; culture collection; spawn preservation



culture preservation

厌氧微生物菌种保藏技术规程 ... 3.1 厌氧微生物 Anaerobes 3.2 菌种保藏 culture preservation 3.3 定期移植保藏法 subculturing ...

culture collection

collection是... ... 12. collection weeding 藏书剔除 13. culture collection 菌种保藏 15. Appraisal of Collection 藏品鉴定 ...

spawn preservation

食用菌术语 ... 2.5.3 无菌 sterile 2.5.4 菌种保藏 spawn preservation 2.5.5 驯化 domestication ...

preservation of cultures

... 培养基的配制和灭菌 types of mddia and sterlization 菌种保藏 preservation of cultures 细胞计数法 conting of cell ...

stock culture preservation

陕西电信绿色... ... 真空换气装置 vacum gas displacement method (四)菌种保藏 stock culture preservation 保藏 preservatio…

Culture conservation

低营养、低温、干燥、缺氧→低代谢、低生长 菌种保藏(Culture conservation)原理 挑选优良的菌种,最好是休眠体 创造有利 …

strain preservation

三、菌种保藏strain preservation) 基本原理:根据菌种的生理、生化特点,人 为的创造条件,使菌种的代谢活动处于休眠状 …
