
  • 网络A pot of wine,under the flowering trees; From a pot of wine among the flowers; Amidst flowers with a pot of wine



A pot of wine,under the flowering trees

Drinking... ... 相期邈云汉。 and,meet together again in paradise. 花间一壶酒A pot of wine,under the flowering trees; ...

From a pot of wine among the flowers

English... ... 对影成三人。 to bring me my shadow and make us three. 花间一壶酒From a pot of wine among the flowers-…

Amidst flowers with a pot of wine

CHA DAO ... 低头思故乡 Lying back,I think of home. 花间一壶酒 Amidst flowers with a pot of wine, ...

A pot of wine among flowers

十八首唐诗英译_圣经快码_新浪博客 ... A pot of wine among flowers, 花间一壶酒, Moon of Qin pass of Han, 秦时明月汉时关…

Amongest the flowers is a pot of wine

有关月亮的诗词 ... 花间一壶酒 Amongest the flowers is a pot of wine 独酌无相亲 I hope alone but with no friend at hand ...


天下网友--tennis123 注册会员列表 ... 笨笨雨桐 joustsoso 花间一壶酒 caiting 阿毛的毛毛虫 Isabel ...
