
  • na.flowery boxing; fancy boxing
  • 网络showy boxing of no practical use; Blossom Fist; flower boxing



showy boxing of no practical use

花园的英语是?_百度知道 ... 花圈[ wreath;garland] 花拳[ showy boxing of no practical use] 花拳绣腿[ showy] ...

flowery boxing

英语... ... 拳击比赛1. a boxing match;a contest at boxing 花拳1. flowery boxing;showy boxing;fancy boxing 拳击 a ~ match ...

Blossom Fist

译海孤舟--中国武术拳名(N) ... Six Turns 六路转 Blossom Fist 花拳 Crane Fist 鹤拳 ...

flower boxing

拳种和套路名称 Schools and routines -... ... 地趟拳 floor-skill boxing 花拳 flower boxing 佛汉拳 fohanquan ...
