
  • n.body of tongue; corpus linguae
  • 网络tongue body; Corpus linguae; the tongue body



body of tongue

[超清]小鼠的解剖图谱 - 豆丁网 ... 舌根 root of tongue 5 舌体 body of tongue 6 舌尖 apex of tongue 7 ...

tongue body

宜宾学院外国语学院英语写作 »... ... tongue blade 舌叶 2.1.1; 2.2.1 tongue body 舌体 2.2.1 tongue front 舌前 2.1.1 ...

Corpus linguae

脸颈部解剖图 (MRI) ... 舌会韧带 - Ligamentum hyoepiglotticum 舌体 - Corpus linguae 舌动脉 - Arteria lingualis ...

the tongue body

专业词... ... 心开窍于舌 the tongue as the window of the heart 舌体 the tongue body 黄苔多主热 the tongue is dark peurple ...

body of the tongue

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双语例句 ... 针身体 body of the needle 舌体 body of the tongue 胫骨体 body of tibia ...

Corpus linguæ

中英解剖学词典1 - 独联体信息港博客圈 ... 孔房体 Corpus mammæ 舌体 Corpus linguæ 汗腺体 Corpus gl. sudoriferæ ...

boay of tongue

...沟(terminal sulcuc)分为前2/3的舌体boay of tongue)和后1/3的舌根(root of tongue),舌体的前端称舌尖(apex of ton…
