
  • 网络gray matter; gray matter of spinal cord; gray matter of the spinal cord



gray matter

脊髓灰质gray matter)按其形态可分为前角、后角、中间带以及侧角。前角是突向腹侧、粗而短的灰质部分;后角是伸向背 …

gray matter of spinal cord

切片位置:脊髓灰质 (gray matter of spinal cord)切片倍率:400X 染色方式:sliver stain 神经细胞本体 (neuron soma)

gray matter of the spinal cord

...皮质(cerebellar cortex)的分层,脊髓灰质(gray matter of the spinal cord)的组织结构。

Spinal cord gray matter

spinal-英汉词典-英中字典-速译通... ... Spinal cord gray commissures [医]脊髓灰联合 Spinal cord gray matter [医]脊髓灰质 ...

spinal code gray

当一个人随意识运动时 , 大脑皮质的运动区产生电位的改变 , 透过锥体路径或锥体外径 , 传达到脊髓灰质 ( spinal code gray )。

gray substance of spinal cord

spinal-英汉词典-英中字典-速译通... ... gray substance of spinal cord [医]脊髓灰质 groove for spinal nerve [医]脊神经沟 ...
