
  • n.energy shortage
  • 网络fuel shortage; energy crunch; soil moisture



energy shortage

2009考研英语作文背诵版.doc - 豆丁网 ... 排放 emit vt. 能源短缺 energy shortage 环保的 environmentalist n. ...

fuel shortage

刘畅词汇笔记(打印版) - 豆丁网 ... shortage “短缺”,如 fuel shortage 能源短缺 the flaw of character 性格 缺陷 ...

energy crunch

白腰文鸟 ... 纳税人 tax payer 能源短缺 energy crunch 退伍军人症 Legionnaires Disease ...

soil moisture

亚马逊英语培训 | 亚马逊 | 亚马逊英语 |... ... 灭绝,逐渐消失 die out 能源短缺 soil moisture 排除,消除 eliminate ...

shortage of renewable energy

能源短缺(shortage of renewable energy)...To conclude, the term 能源短缺 is just for our convenience.It has nothing to do wi...
