
  • n.base of lung
  • 网络Base of he lung; Bottom of the Lung; diaphragmatic surface



base of lung

局部解剖学名词英中文索引 ... bare area of liver 肝裸区 base of lung 肺底 basilic vein 贵要静脉 ...

Base of he lung

人体器官-网站地图... ... 下肺叶 Lower lobe 肺底 Base of he lung 肺门 Hilus of the lung ...

Bottom of the Lung

COMPLETE BANK OF TERMS... ... 肺邪胁痛 lung evil rib-side pain 肺底 Bottom of the Lung 肺性脑病 pulmonary encephalopa…

diaphragmatic surface

Chapter-3-RESPIRATORY-SYSTEM... ... (rima glottis) (声门裂) 6. (diaphragmatic surface) (肺底) 3. [brandy nose 酒渣鼻] 4. ...

Basis pulmonis

中英解剖学词典1 - 独联体信息港博客圈 ... 锥底 Basis pyramidis 肺底 Basis pulmonis 指(趾)骨底 Basis phalangis ...

dependent lung zones

micro-atelectasis),可在肺底(dependent lung zones)听到吸气末罗音(late-inspiratory


...a Bronchus 第二节 肺(lung) → 肺底 (bronchiole) (terminal bronchiole) * Clara细胞 (respiratory bronchiole) (alveolar sac)...
