
  • n.apex of lung
  • 网络pulmonis; the apex of the lung; Apex pulmonis



apex of lung

局部解剖学名词英中文索引 ... aortic isthmus 主动脉峡 apex of lung 肺尖 appendicular artery 阑尾动脉 ...


以nis结尾的单词_百度知道 ... penis 这个自己查 pulmonis 肺尖 adonis 侧金盏花; 福寿草 ...

the apex of the lung

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典... ... 虚里 the apex of the heart 肺尖 the apex of the lung 舌端 the apex of the tongue ...

Apex pulmonis

解剖肺 - 插图 ... 肺动脉干 - Truncus pulmonalis 肺尖 - Apex pulmonis 肺泡 - Alveolus ...

apex pulmonalis

医学词汇台湾翻译(2) ... apex linguae 舌尖 apex pulmonalis 肺尖 apex urocyst 膀胱顶 ...

Apex of the lung

人体器官-网站地图... ... 气管 Wind pipe,trachea 肺尖 Apex of the lung 左支气管 Left brochi ...
