
  • 网络dislocation of shoulder joint; Shoulder Dislocation; dislocation of the shoulder joint



dislocation of shoulder joint

  1、肩关节脱位(dislocation of shoulder joint) 大多为后脱位,除老年肌肉松弛之新鲜脱位外,一般均需麻醉后或肌松弛下进行复 …

Shoulder Dislocation

... ) DisLocation of shoulder 肩关节脱位 ) shoulder dislocation 肩关节脱位 ) acromioclavicular dislocation 肩锁关节脱位 ...

dislocation of the shoulder joint

... 阶梯治疗 echelon of care 肩关节脱位 dislocation of the shoulder joint 肩关节周围炎 scapulohumeral periarthritis ...

shoulder joint dislocation

...固定2 功能锻炼:促进关节功能的恢复 功能锻炼: 肩关节脱位 (shoulder joint dislocation) 病 因 多由间接暴力所致 多发生前 …

dislocation de jointure scapulaire

参考文献::外... ... discordant 非协调性 dislocation de jointure scapulaire 肩关节脱位 dislocation pathologique 病理性脱位 ...

scapular dislocation

... 肩锁关节脱位 acromioclavicular dislocation 肩关节脱位 scapular dislocation 肘关节脱位 dislocation of elbow joint ...
