
  • 网络lateral femoral cutaneous neuritis; lateral femoral cutaneous neuropathy; neuritis of lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh



lateral femoral cutaneous neuritis

  股外侧皮神经炎(lateral femoral cutaneous neuritis)又称感觉异常性股痛、Bernhardt病、Roth病。为一种股外侧皮肤感觉异常的 …

lateral femoral cutaneous neuropathy

英汉神经病学名词索引--... ... lateral cerebral ventriculus 侧脑室 lateral femoral cutaneous neuropathy 股外侧皮神经炎 ...

neuritis of lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业... ... 结节性神经炎 neuritis nodosa 股外侧皮神经炎 neuritis of lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh ...

Roth syndrome

syndrome... ... Roske-de Toni-Caffey syndrome [医]罗-德-卡三氏综合征,婴儿骨外层肥厚病 Roth syndrome [医]股外侧皮神经炎 ...

lateral thigh skin neuritis

表1 治疗组与对照组的疗效对比(略) 4 讨论 股外侧皮神经炎(lateral thigh skin neuritis)又称为感觉异常性肢痛症,是以大腿外侧感 …

lateral femoral cutaneous neuritis or meralgia paresthetica

【概述】股外侧皮神经炎(lateral femoral cutaneous neuritis or meralgia paresthetica)是指股外侧皮肤感觉异常。该神经由L2、L…
