
  • un.scaly dry skin, a symptom of blood stasis
  • 网络squamous and dry skin; scaly skin; encrusted skin



squamous and dry skin

04.诊断学 ... 浮肿 edema 肌肤甲错 squamous and dry skin 癍 macula ...

scaly dry skin

scaly flute-like mold是什么意思及音标... ... scaly bud 鳞芽 scaly dry skin 肌肤甲错 scaly eruption 鳞屑疹 ...

scaly skin

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双语例句 ... 鳞片 scaly patches 肌肤甲错 scaly skin 鳞屑癣 scaly tetter ...

encrusted skin

squamous dry skin

COMPLETE BANK OF TERMS USED... ... 肌肤不仁 insensitivity of the skin 肌肤甲错 squamous dry skin 肌肤甲错 encrusted s…
