
  • n.college for worker and staff members
  • 网络Staff and Workers University; college for workers &. Staff members; university for employees



Staff and Workers University

教育相关词汇翻译 - 豆丁网 ... 业余大学 Spare-Time University 职工大学 Staff and Workers University 大学 University ...

college for workers &. Staff members

意大... ... 业余学校 spare-time school 职工大学 college for workers &. Staff members 文科大学 university of liberal arts ...

university for employees

沪江博客 - 英语学习资料 2007... ... 业余大学 spare time university 职工大学 university for employees 夜校 evening school ...

staff and workers college

在线英语词典,英文翻... ... 植物(学)系: Department of Botany 职工大学staff and workers college 直线装配: linear assembl…

college for workers and staff members

二十二、附录 (Appendices) ... 造船学院 shipbuilding college 职工大学 college for workers and staff members ...

the workers' university

无标题文档 ... the students' classroom 学生们的教室 the workers' university 职工大学 children's bedroom 孩子们的卧室 ...
