
  • na.Seeing for oneself is better than hearing from others.
  • 网络Better one eye witness than two hearsay witnesses; seeing for oneself is better than hearing from others; Seeing a thing for oneself is better than hearing about it



Better one eye witness than two hearsay witnesses

... There is a witness everywhere 群众的眼睛是雪亮的 Better one eye witness than two hearsay witnesses 耳闻不如目见 ...

seeing for oneself is better than hearing from others

耳,耳字的解释,查字典 ... 耳挖子[ earpick] 耳闻不如目见[ seeing for oneself is better than hearing from others] ...

Seeing a thing for oneself is better than hearing about it

... I concentrate on the lecture. 我专心听讲。 Seeing a thing for oneself is better than hearing about it. 耳闻不如目见。 ...

It is better to see than to hear.

国际译经... ... 诸恶莫作(英文) Every form of evil cannot be done. 耳闻不如目见。(中翻英) It is better to see than to hear. ...
