
  • un.act in a slick way
  • 网络play the fox; play fox; try to shirk work or responsibility



play the fox

fox 什么意思?... ... as cunning as a fox 象狐狸一样狡猾 play the fox 耍滑头, 装假 set a fox to keep one's geese 引狼入室 ...

play fox

什么意思?_百度知道... ... [a cunning person ] 一个狡猾的人 [ play fox ] 耍滑头 [cunning animal ] 狡猾的动物 ...

try to shirk work or responsibility

... [derail] 脱滑 [try to shirk work or responsibility] 耍滑头,逃避责任、工作等 [out of stock] 货物售光;货物供不应求,脱销 ...

at fast and loose

fast是什么意思_fast的中文意思_用法... ... as fast as one's legs could carry 拼命奔跑 at fast and loose 耍滑头,反复无常 ...

come the double on sb

double的用法_已解决 - 阿里巴巴生意经 ... 双线(无感)线卷 double-workn. [俚](对某人)背信弃义; 耍滑头 come the double on sb. ...

come the double

double的翻译 查词 例句 词组... ... on the double 跑步; 很快地; 毫不迟延地 come the double [俚](对某人)背信弃义; 耍滑头 ...


头 - Pin1yin1.com ... 梳头 梳头 to comb 耍滑头 耍滑头 shirker 摔跟头 摔跟头 to fall;fig. to suffer a setback ...
