
  • 网络Suitable for all ages; be suitable for all ages.; suitable for both the young and the old



Suitable for all ages

广告英语常用表达法... ... Sufficient supplies 货源充足 Suitable for all ages 老少皆宜 Superior in performance 性能优越 ...

be suitable for all ages.

... 75.play an important role in 在…起着重要作用 76.be suitable for all ages. 老少皆宜 79.be about to do sth 打算做某事 ...

suitable for both the young and the old

... 尽人皆知 a household name 老少皆宜 suitable for both the young and the old 满招损,谦受益 pride comes before a fall ...

suitable for both the young

... 老少边穷 frontier and poor ... 老少皆宜 suitable for both the young ... 老少咸宜 suitable for young and old ... ...

Beneficial to all ages

翻译词典... ... beneficial association 互助互益保险会 Beneficial to all ages 老少皆宜 mutually beneficial basis 互惠基础 ...

Suitble for all walks of life

翻译词典... ... walks with unconscious grace 自然优美的步子 Suitble for all walks of life 老少皆宜 ...

unversal appeal

新概念四 LESSON 11 HOW TO GROW OLD-LA... ... back and forth 来来回回 unversal appeal 老少皆宜 Unversal time 国际标 …
