
  • na.be wanting in confidence
  • 网络lack confidence; Lack of confidence; unsure



lack confidence

雅思机经词汇总结-博客英语后花园-搜狐博客 ... killer whale 虎鲸 lack confidence 缺乏信心 lack of sleep 缺少睡眠 ...

Lack of confidence

英语短语翻译~~~~_百度知道 ... 第一次, first time 缺乏信心lack of confidence 向。。。解释, explain to ... ...

be wanting in confidence

be... ... be a tittle wanting (重量、标准)稍为差一点,稍为少一点;智力有点不健全 1.be wanting in confidence 缺乏信心 ...


形容词-服务你的词汇多样性1_睿不可当_新浪博客 ... unsafe 不安全 unsure 缺乏信心 vulnerable 脆弱 ...

a lack of confidence

Business Jargon 商业行话 ... a low opinion of 不赞赏 a lack of confidence 缺乏信心 untrustworthy 不值得信任的 ...

no confidence

关于非英语专业大学生英语学习现状的调查 ... C缺乏方法 improper method D缺乏信心 no confidence ...

lack confidence in

听力场景词汇---Wendy_取舍之道_新浪博客 ... come up with 赶上 lack confidence in 缺乏信心 quiz 小测试 ...

lacking faith

Tarot的日记 第15张恶魔_路媛... ... despairing 绝望 lacking faith 缺乏信心 seeing a cold world 看到一个冷酷的世界 ...
