
  • 网络secondary pulmonary tuberculosis; secondary tuberculosis of lung; secondary tuberculosis



secondary pulmonary tuberculosis

(3)继发性肺结核(Ⅲ型)继发性肺结核secondary pulmonary tuberculosis)为成年结核中最常见的类型。包括浸润病变、 …

secondary tuberculosis of lung

专业词汇在线... ... 继发性结核 secondary tuberculosis 继发性肺结核 secondary tuberculosis of lung 继发瘤 secondary tumor ...

secondary tuberculosis

医学英语专业词汇——儿科学(四) ... scoliosis 脊柱侧凸 secondary tuberculosis 继发性肺结核 septic shock 感染性休克 ...

Secondary P.T.B

医学博士英语... ... Secondary hyperthyroidism 继发性甲亢 Secondary P.T.B 继发性肺结核 Secretory otitis media 分泌性中耳炎 ...

Secondary Pulmonary TuberculosisCaseous Pneumonia

postprimary P.TB

PPT tuberculosis ... 2 血行播散型肺结核 hematogenous P.TB 3 继发性肺结核 postprimary P.TB ⑵ 空洞性肺结核 cavitary P.TB ...

condary pulmonarytuberculosis

  3.继发性肺结核(Ⅲ型)继发性肺结核(~condary pulmonarytuberculosis)为成年结核中最常见的类型。多为已静止的原发病灶的 …
