
  • 网络Plumbing; Water Supply and Drainage System; Water System




1. 给排水系统Plumbing):•安装、改建上下水管、通风管道系统;•安装修理水龙头、净水器、浴盆、淋浴间、坐便、洗手 …

Water Supply and Drainage System

环球雅思总校... ... 石油和天然气管道 pinelines 给排水系统 water supply and drainage system 老百姓 citizens/the citizenry ...

Water System

品度股份... ... 住宿产业的用水 Water Usage in the Lodging Industry 给排水系统 Water System 电力系统设备 Electrical System ...

plumbing system

C ... 4. 消防系统 fire protection system 5. 给排水系统 plumbing system 10. 电线架 cable tray ...

Plumbing Systems

HVAC专业教学... ... Air Conditioning Systems( 空调系统) Plumbing Systems( 给排水系统) Technical Communication( 科技交 …

water and drain system

EHS常用语 common wrods - 未来十年 -... ... 给排水系统 water and drain system 设备维修 maintenance of equipment ...

Water Supply & Sewerage System

车辆工程论文常用词汇1 -... ... 隔离输入/输出单元 Isolated input/output unit 给排水系统 Water Supply & Sewerage System ...
