
  • na.terminate a contract
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terminate a contract

会计词汇D ... Terminate 终止 terminate a contract 终止合同 Termination 解雇,终止 ...


SimpleCD | 《新东方商务口语》3CD[ISO] ... ) Production Features 产品性能 ) Termination 终止合同 ) Market Potential 市场潜 …

Termination of the Contract

...违约救济方式,与《通则》中作为违约救济方式之一的“终止合同”(Termination of the Contract)这一术语,以及我国《合同法 …

termination of contract

标书专业词汇... ... 投标有效期 Valid period of tender 终止合同 Termination of Contract 争端的解决 Dispute Settlement ...

terminate the contract

上海中级口译,笔试高频词汇_陈冠舟_新浪博客 ... fire;sack;dismiss 解雇 terminate the contract 终止合同 expire 合同期满 ...

termination of a contract

劳动合... ... termination of treaties 条约的终止 termination of a contract 终止合同 18. enterprises 词性及解释 企业 词组: ...

Termination Generally

招聘新加坡建筑工(劳工合约) ... 12. Repatriation( 送返) 13. Termination Generally( 终止合同) ...

discharge of contract

财务英语英汉对照表 -... ... discharged bill 付讫汇票 discharge of contract 终止合同 discharge of debt 清偿债务 ...
