
  • 网络Need To Breed; live and mulitiply; live and multiply reproduce



Need To Breed

国家地理:大迁徙- ... 第1集:千里跋涉 Born To Move 第2集:繁衍生息 Need To Breed 第3集:分秒必争 Race To Survive ...

live and mulitiply

口译常考词汇汇总——石宏 -... ... 友好相处 friendly co-existence 繁衍生息 live and mulitiply 摇篮、发祥地 cradle;origin ...

live and multiply reproduce

24.Sep Shower and Sunny ... 画龙点睛 bring out the crucial point 繁衍生息 live and multiply reproduce/reproduction ...

live and multiply

... whinning and groaning 呻吟 live and multiply 繁衍生息 one’s innermost thoughts and feelings 发自内心的想法和感觉 ...

began to thrive here

CCTV.com ... 纳西族才能在这片土地上 that the Naxi people 繁衍生息began to thrive here ...

where they continue to thrive.

VCTT翻译组字... ... 繁衍生息 where they continue to thrive. 经过大丰的麋鹿保护区 Passing the Milu Deer Reserve at Dafeng, ...
